Travel and Tourism

The travel and tourism sector is a fast-paced and dynamic industry, it provides a range of employment opportunities both directly and indirectly across the world.
Many factors can impact the sector and the organisations that operate within it. The developments of technology and innovation mean that the sector is at the forefront of emerging trends and developments, igniting our passion for exploring new destinations and providing exciting opportunities to learn more about the world we live in.

BTEC Travel and tourism provides students with the opportunity to develop key skills through vocational contexts, by exploring the aims of different travel and tourism organisations, the features of tourist destinations, how organisations meet customer requirements, and the influences on global travel and tourism.

Students will study three components, covering the following content areas:

  • Component 1: Travel and Tourism Organisations and Destinations. In this component, you will investigate travel and tourism organisations, their aims and how they work together. You will explore types of travel and tourism, the features that make destinations appealing to visitors and different travel routes.
  • Component 2: Customer Needs in Travel and Tourism. In this component, you will investigate how organisations use market research to identify travel and tourism trends, and customer needs and preferences. You will apply your understanding by selecting products and services and planning a holiday to meet customer needs and preferences.
  • Component 3: Influences on Global Travel and Tourism. In this component, you will explore the different factors that may influence global travel and tourism, and how travel and tourism organisations and destinations respond to these factors. You will examine the potential impacts of tourism at global destinations and how destinations can manage the impacts of tourism and control tourism development to achieve sustainable tourism.

Business, Economics and Tourism Overview

Progression Pathways

Travel and Tourism